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Some Recent Publications
- Perez, A., Ma, H.L., Zawaduk, S. and Dawson, M.R.W. (2023), How Do Artificial Neural Networks Classify Musical Triads? A Case Study in Eluding Bonini's Paradox. Cognitive Science, 47: e13233. https://doi-org.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/10.1111/cogs.13233
- Ma, H. L., Dawson, M. R. W., Prinsen, R. S., & Hayward, D. A. (2023). Embodying cognitive ethology. Theory & Psychology, 33(1), 42–58. https://doi-org.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/10.1177/09593543221126165
- Dawson, M.R.W. (2022). What is cognitive psychology? Athabasca University Press, Edmonton
- Dawson, M.R.W. (2022). Probability learning by perceptrons and people. Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews, 15(Monograph), 1-188.
- Dawson, M.R.W., Perez, A. & Sylvestre, S. (2020). Artificial neural networks solve musical problems with Fourier phase spaces. Scientific Reports, 10, 7151.
- Dawson M.R.W., Baerveldt, C., Shillabeer, E., Richard, V. (2019) Theoretical psychology at the University of Alberta as social science during the Cold War. History of Psychology, 22(1), 87-106.
- Dawson M.R.W., Zielinski J.A.Z. (2018) Key-finding by artificial neural networks that learn about key profiles. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology-Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Experimentale 72, 153-170.
- Dawson, M.R.W. (2018). Connectionist Representations of Tonal Music: Discovering Musical Patterns by Interpreting Artificial Neural Networks. Edmonton, Canada: Athabasca University Press
- Dawson, M.R.W. and Gupta, M. (2017). Probability matching in perceptrons: Effects of conditional dependence and linear nonseparability. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0172431
- Pérez, A. and Dawson, M.R.W. (2014). A brick-sorting LEGO robot. Eureka, 4, 19-23.
Hathaway, J. and Dawson, M.R.W. (2014). Giant steps in the interpretation of a musical PDP network. Eureka, 4, 24-29.
- Dawson, M.R.W. (2013). Mind, Body, World: Foundations of Cognitive Science. Edmonton, Canada: Athabasca University Press
- Dupuis, B., & Dawson, M. R. W. (2013). Get out of the corner: Inhibition and the effect of location type and number on perceptron and human reorientation. Learning & Behavior,41(4), 360-378.
- Dupuis, B., & Dawson, M. R. W. (2013). Differentiating models of associative learning: reorientation, superconditioning, and the role of inhibition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 39(3), 273-286.
Dawson, M. R. W. (2013). A case study in Gantt charts as historiophoty: A century of psychology at the University of Alberta. History of Psychology, 16, 145-157.
Dawson, M. R. W., & Dupuis, B. (2012). Equilibria of perceptrons for simple contingency problems. IEEE Transactions On Neural Networks And Learning Systems, 23(8), 1340-1344.
Guillette, L. M., Bloomfield, L. L., Batty, E. R., Dawson, M. R. W., & Sturdy, C. B. (2011). Development of a contact call in black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) hand-reared in different acoustic environments. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(4), 2249-2256.
Guillette, L. M., Farrell, T. M., Hoeschele, M., Nickerson, C. M., Dawson, M. R. W., & Sturdy, C. B. (2010). Mechanisms of call note-type perception in black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus): Peak shift in a note-type continuum. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 124(1), 109-115.
- Guillette, L.M., Bloomfield, L.L., Batty, E.R., Dawson, M.R.W. & Sturdy, C.B. (2010). Black-capped (Poecile atricapillus) and mountain chickadee
(Poecile gambeli) contact call contains species, sex, and
individual identity features Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127, 1116-1123.
- Dawson, M.R.W., Dupuis, B., & Wilson, M. (2010). From Bricks To Brains: The Embodied Cognitive Science of LEGO Robots. Edmonton, Canada: Athabasca University Press
- Dawson, M.R.W., Kelly, D.M, Spetch, M.L., & Dupuis, B. (2010). Using perceptrons to explore the reorientation task. Cognition, 114, 207-226.
- Dawson, M.R.W., Dupuis, B., Spetch, M.L., & Kelly, D.M. (2009). Simple artificial neural networks that match probability
and exploit and explore when confronting
a multiarmed bandit. IEEE Transactions On Neural Networks, 20, 1368-1371.
- Dawson, M.R.W., Kelly, D.M, Spetch, M.L., & Dupuis, B. (2008). Learning about environmental geometry: A flaw in Miller and Shettleworth's (2007) operant model. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Behavior Processes, 34(3), 415-418.
- Yaremchuk, V. & Dawson, M.R.W. (2008). Artificial neural networks that classify musical chords. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence, 2(3), 22-30.
- Dawson, M.R.W. (2008). Connectionism and Classical Conditioning. A peer reviewed monograph (115 pages) published by Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews on behalf of the Comparative Cognition Society.
- Dawson, M. R. W. and P. M. Boechler (2007). Representing an intrinsically nonmetric space of compass directions in an artificial neural network. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence, 1, 53-65.
- Nickerson, C.M., Bloomfield, L.L., Dawson, M.R.W., Charrier, I., & Sturdy, C.B. (2007). Feature weighting in "chick-a-dee" call notes of Poecile atricapillus. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122, 2451-2458.
- Dawson, M.R.W., Bloomfield, L.L., Charrier, I., & Sturdy, C.B. (2006). Statistical classification of black-capped (Poecile atricapillus) and mountain chickadee (Poecile gambeli) call notes. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 120, 147-153.
- Nickerson, C., Bloomfield , L.L., Dawson , M.R.W., & Sturdy, C.B. (2006). Artificial neural networks that discriminate notes from the ‘chick-a-dee’ call of Poecile atricapillus: The effect of pitch transformations. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120, 1111-1117.
- Dawson, M.R.W., Charrier, I., & Sturdy, C.B. (2006). Using an artificial neural network to classify black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) call note types. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119, 3161-3172.
- Lowry, R., & Dawson, M.R.W. (2005). Connectionist selectionism: A case study of parity. Neural Information Processing: Letters & Reviews, 9, 59-67.
- Boechler, P.M., & Dawson, M.R.W. (2005). The effect of spatial layout on relationships between performance, path patterns, and mental representation in a hypermedia information search task . Interactive Technology & Smart Education, 2, 31-45.
- Dawson , M.R.W., Boechler, P.M., & Orsten, J. (2005). An artificial neural network that uses coarse allocentric coding of direction to represent distances between locations in a metric space. Spatial Cognition and Computation, 5, 29-67.
- Dawson, M.R.W., & Spetch, M.L. (2005). Traditional perceptrons do not generate the overexpectation effect. Neural Information Processing: Letters & Reviews, 7(1), 11-17.
- Dawson, M.R.W. (2005). Connectionism: A Hands-On Approach. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing.
- Medler, D.A, Dawson, M.R.W., & Kingstone, A. (2005). Functional localization and double dissociations: The relationship between internal structure and behavior. Brain and Cognition, 57, 146-150.
- Yaremchuk, V., Willson, L.R., Spetch, M.L., & Dawson, M.R.W. (2005). The implications of null patterns and output unit activation functions on simulation studies of learning: A case study of patterning. Learning & Motivation, 36, 88-103.
- Valsangkar-Smyth, M.A., Donovan, C., Sinnett, S., Dawson, M.R.W., & Kingstone, A. (2004). Hemispheric performance in object-based attention. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11, 84-91.
- Dawson, M.R.W. (2004). Minds And Machines: Connectionism And Psychological Modeling. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing.
- Graham, R. & Dawson, M.R.W. (2003). Artificial neural networks as analytic tools in an ERP study of face memory. Neural Information Processing -- Letters And Reviews, 1, 67-73.
- Crowder, N.A., Dawson, M.R.W., & Wylie, D.R.W. (2003). Temporal frequency and velocity-like tuning in the pigeon accessory optic system. Journal of Neurophysiology, 90, 1829-1841.
- Dawson, M.R.W., & Zimmerman, C. (2003). Interpreting the internal structure of a connectionist model of the balance scale task. Brain and Mind, 4, 129-149.
- Boechler, P.M., Dawson, M.R.W., & Boechler, K.R. (2002). An introduction to custom webbrowsers for the qualitative study of hypertext navigation. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 11, 221-235
- Boechler, P.M., Dawson, M.R.W. (2002). The effects of navigational tool information on hypertext navigation behavior: A configural analysis of page-transition data. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 11, pp. 95-115.
- Dawson, M.R.W., Boechler, P.M., & Valsangkar-Smyth, M. (2000). Representing space in a PDP network: Coarse allocentric coding can mediate metric and nonmetric spatial judgements. Spatial Cognition and Computation, 2, 181-218.
- Dawson, M.R.W. (2002). From embodied cognitive science to synthetic psychology. In Wang, Y., Johnston, R.H., & Smith, M.R. (Eds) Proceedings Of The First IEEE International Conference On Cognitive Informatics (ICCI'02). IEEE Computer Society: Los Alamitos, CA. (pp. 13-22).
- Boechler, P.M. (2001). How spatial is hyperspace? Interacting with hypertext documents: Cognitive processes and concepts. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 4, 23-46.
- Dawson, M.R.W., & Piercey, C.D. (2001). On the subsymbolic nature of a PDP architecture that uses a nonmonotonic activation function. Minds And Machines, 11, 197-218.
- Dawson, M.R.W., Medler, D.A., McCaughan, D.B., Willson, L., & Carbonaro, M. (2000). Using extra output learning to insert a symbolic theory into a connectionist network. Minds And Machines, 10, 171-201.
- Leighton, J.P., & Dawson, M.R.W. (2001). A PDP approach to understanding Wason's selection task. Cognitive Systems Research, 2, 207-231
- McCaughan, D. B., Medler, D. A., & Dawson, M. R. W. (1999). Internal representation in networks of non-monotonic processing units. Proceedings of the 1999 International Joint Conference on Neural Network (pp. 304i - 304vi), Washington, DC.
- Medler, D. A., McCaughan, D. B., Dawson, M. R. W., & Willson, L. (1999). When local isn't enough: Extracting distributed rules from networks. Proceedings of the 1999 International Joint Conference on Neural Network (pp. 305i - 305vi), Washington, DC.
Old But Still Good
- Berkeley, I.S.N., Dawson, M.R.W., Medler, D.A., Schopflocher, D.P., & Hornsby, L. (1995). Density plots of hidden value unit activations reveal interpretable bands. Connection Science, 7, 167-186.
, M.R.W., Dobbs, A., Hooper, H.R., McEwan, A.J.B., Triscott, J., & Cooney, J. (1994). Artificial neural networks that use SPECT to identify patients with probable Alzheimer’s disease. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 21, 1303-1311.
- Dawson, M.R.W. (1991). The how and why of what went where in apparent motion: Modeling solutions to the motion correspondence problem. Psychological Review, 98, 569-603
- Dawson, M.R.W., & Thibodeau, M. (1998). The effect of adapting luminance on the latency of visual search. Acta Psychologica, 99, 115-139.
- Dawson, M.R.W. (1990). Empirical issues in theoretical psychology: Comment on Kukla. American Psychologist, 45, 778-780.
Some Recent Posters
- Graham, R., & Dawson, M.R.W. (2001). "Artificial neural networks as analytic tools in an event-related potential study of face memory " Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Brain, Behavior and Cognitive Science (Quebec City, June 24).
- Boechler, P.M. & Dawson, M.R.W. "How might PDP networks represent metric space?" (2000, July) Poster presentation at the meeting of the Society of Brain, Behavior and Cognitive Science, Cambridge, England.
- Piercey, C.D., Dawson, M.R.W., & Joordens, S. (2000). "It's alive: Instantiating the referent model of lexical decision." Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society (New Orleans, November 18).
- Piercey, C. D., & Dawson, M. R. W. (2001). The Referent Model of Lexical Decision: Simulations of the Ambiguity Effect. Poster presented at the 42nd annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, November 15, 2001.
Last Modified : May, 2008